We live in a world where websites, mobile devices, and apps run our lives. Yet, some communities and management companies still struggle with adopting and implementing new technology. How do we encourage the adoption of new software and technology in community associations?

It’s actually really simple: You must budget for it.

Just about everything we do is influenced by technology. Whether at work or home, our attention is consumed by the devices and software which provide access to data and information at a moment’s notice. In the digital age, we crave speed to knowledge – it’s safe to say it’s an addiction for some. Anything that slows the end user down or inhibits access to information, creates frustration. Community residents are no different. Homeowners & residents crave speed to knowledge.

Budgeted Expenses are Accepted Expenses

One of the most important components of a community association’s success comes down to something really simple: The Budget.

What’s budgeted for is accepted.

It’s about acceptance. Whether you execute on it or not, the fact is once an item is budgeted for, it’s an accepted expense. You’ve set expectations one way or another by setting an amount aside for the expense. This discussion isn’t about the actual execution, it’s about acceptance. It honestly doesn’t even matter if you approach it with a zero-based budgeting or incremental based budgeting process. At the end of the day, budgeting is the first step to accepting an expense – new or old.

You must budget for the increased expense of doing business in the digital age by adding “Technology & Software” to your HOA budget or your community will always struggle to find the funds for adopting new technology. Even if it’s $100/year to start – that’s better than $0.

How Do I Encourage My Community Association(s) to Adopt New Technology?

It’s super simple.

>> Add it to your community’s budget <<

What’s budgeted for is an accepted expense. Acceptance is the end result, budgeting is the necessary action.

HOA budgeting season is here. Now is the time to encourage board members, community residents, and employees in your organization that technology and software is a necessary component for modern success. If you want to directly benefit from increased efficiency, access and speed to data, modern communication efforts, and reduced operational costs, you must budget for technology in your community association. Plain and simple.


p.s. If you need help with where to start, please reach out. I helped many HOA management companies and self-managed communities implement this one tactic to help offset the increasing costs of HOA software & technology.

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